Morning Announcement
WEDNESDAY, 2/12- VIRTUAL LEARNING DAY- Please check schoology for posted assignments from your teacher's to complete today.
Broken or not working Chromebooks -- should have a teacher put in a work order and then bring your Chromebook to the library right away. Thank you, Mrs. Sergent.
Scholastic Book Fair- Our book fair will take place this week on February 11th, 12th, and 13th. Student, please bring your money to school to purchase your favorite books during MTSS classes at designated times. If you have questions, please talk with your MTSS teacher.
Boy's Lacrosse- Are you interested in playing Boy's lacrosse this spring? If so, there is an interest meeting this Thursday, 2/13 after school from 2:30-2:45pm in the gym. If you are interested in playing and cannot attend the meeting, please talk to Mr. Correia in room 231 or Coach Williams for more information.
There will also be open gym for Boy's lacrosse players on Tuesday 2/18 from 2:30-4:30pm to build your skills for the season.
NJHS- Hey there Fifer Fam! NJHS will be selling holiday grams from Wednesday 2/5 through 2/12 during lunches. The cost is $1. Each gram will contain a salty or sweet snack that is delivered to your friend's 7th period teacher on February 14th. You chose the snack of your choice! CASH ONLY. NO electronic payments will be accepted.
Young Men of Promise- The meeting for February 8th has been postponed until later in the month due to a conflict in schedule. We are sorry for any inconvenience and there will be a new schedule released next week. Thank you for your flexibility.
There's nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today, and hang on to it for years to come! Yearbooks start at $45. Come by the main office or Room 211 for the order information. Click here for the link to order the yearbook.
In order to participate, 2024-2025 DIAA physicals must be turned in to the nurse or office or coach by the first day of tryouts. You can get blank copies in the main office and in the nurse's office.
This is a seven (7) page document. All pages are necessary.
Can you say the rider pledge with me?
S means SAFETY
Remember the NEW CR Cell Phone Policy states that all 6th-8th grade students are to have cell phones and personal electronic devices powered off and in your locker during the entire school day.
School Hours: Doors open at 7:15 am. Students have 15 minutes to go to their lockers, eat breakfast, and arrive at their first period. First period begins at 7:30am. Dismissal is at 2:30 pm. Students should not be left on school grounds prior to 7:10 am or after 2:45 pm unless previous arrangements have been made.
School Security: Once classes begin at 7:30 am, only the front entrance to the school is left unlocked. Visitors and students must come into the front office to sign in.
Picking up and Dropping Off Students:
FMS is fortunate to be supported by the CRSD Coordinator of Safety and Security. Mr. Gaglione consulted with Camden PD and developed the following recommendations to ensure a smooth and safe dismissal process. Therefore, we ask you to please follow these guidelines for afternoon pick-up:
1. Only the first 20-25 cars may park in the designated pick-up lane.
2. Cars arriving afterward should proceed to the rear parking lot.
3. We encourage you to back into parking spaces to make departing easier and more efficient.
4. If you park out front, please use the parking spaces and avoid the bus parking area.
We will have staff members to assist you with this new traffic pattern. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!
Any time you sign your student in late or sign your student out early, please come into the front entrance and see the attendance officer in the main office.
Home Access: Want to be up-to-date on attendance, missing work, testing results, grades and teacher comments.
1) Go to
2) Make sure the school district is set to Caesar Rodney
3) Your login is the 1st three letters of first name, first three letters of last name, last three numbers of student id (no spaces or capitals);
4) Password is 1st letter of first name capitalized, 1st letter of last name lower case, student id (with leading zeros if needed to bring number to 7 digits), followed by dollar sign (no spaces).
Example: Login: caerod567 Password: Cr0123456$. If you are a guardian or parent and do not have your own login and password, please stop by the main office and they can set you up with entry to this information