6th graders are creating Mr. Latitude & Mrs. Longitude projects during their online learning with Mrs. S. Johnson.What a GREAT place to go to school and work!!!
Great Atmosphere!! Great Enthusiasm!! Great Dedication from students and staff!!Distant Learning has begun! Students check your Schoology pages to see what messages your teachers have left for you! Online classes start Monday April 9th using the Blue/Gold schedule! Every day from 11:30 to 2:15.Go to CR District Home Page of all Released InformationFMS staff supporting "RESPECT" = the Best Part of Inclusion 3-4-2020Students at their concert on February 29th at Dover High School. Front Row: Katelyn Diamond, Sophia Rudis, Lily Gumus, Kiera Lanik, Cassie Meixell, Cullin Smith, Kiral Snare, & Noel Kim. Second Row: Giavanna Jacobs, Adrianna Lugo, Alex Budd, Edson Robles, Micah Parker, Jasmyn Haxton, Cecilia Delgado, & Delainey Childs.Their concert on February 22nd at Dover High School. FRONT ROW: Izzy Smoot, Angel Luong, Nicholas Olson, Lily Gumus, Rory Bell SECOND ROW: Emma Crane, Noelle Miller, Dominic Scaffidi, Katelyn Curtis, Jayda Mayan THIRD ROW: Avah Brooke, Alana Hayes, Blair McFadden, Jordan Pritchett, Gracie PedigoFifer 2020 Teacher of the Year!Fifer is thrilled to announce that Ken Begor, 6th Grade Math Teacher, has received this prestigious recognition. 2-20-2020Reghan also is placed in the Capital Classic Hall of Fame due to her scoring 33 points in a game. She is the only female with that high score. Reghan is tied with a male who scored 33 in a game at the Capital Classic several years ago. Woo hoo! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!!Congratulations to the Rider Boys Basketball team for their win in the McDonald's Bracket C win over Gauger Middle School 52 to 47.
What an awesome season! WAY TO GO!!Come out and support the Fifer Drama program at their performance of "Spy TV" on Thursday, February 13th. The play begins at 7 pm at Simpson Elementary School. Everyone is welcome to attend!Congratulations to Hailie Wischmann for winning the FMS Spelling Bee and also to Billy Scialla for 2nd place and Noel Kim for 3rd place.
Hailie Wischmann will go on and participate in the State Spelling Bee in March.Fifer Students at All About that Bass Clef Men's Choir Festival on January 16th, 2020. Front Row (Left to Right): Julian Locke, Kasper Milton, Jacob Kach, Nate Curtis, Addison Hall. Second Row (Left to Right): Nicholas Olson, Austin Eric, Arlo Boxton, Jordan Brisbane-Tate, Aidan MaxeyCONGRATULATIONS to the following wrestlers who placed at this weekends Middle School Wrestling Tournament: Bret Houston 2nd place, Brent Polk 3rd place, and Sincere Wright 3rd place.Paul Volponi is the author of 11 novels for young adults that are currently being read in high schools and middle schools around the country. This is his first time at a school in the state of Delaware. He is working with the advance English 7th grade students on Wednesday, 1/15 providing individual feedback on their writing and on Thursday, 1/16 he is meeting all Fifer 8th graders doing workshops to encourage reading and writing in their classes and to further their education.This group had a celebration today and Dr. Fitzgerald came over and read a story to them all. 12/19/19Congratulate THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS BASKETBALL PLAYERS! that happened at the Sussex Tech Unified Basketball skill event!! GOLD MEDAL goes to Noah Wenteler-Brunch & Lily Gumus!! GOLD MEDAL goes to Hayden Price and Hailee Comstock!! SILVER medal goes to Zion Jarris and Sophia Rudis!! 4th Place Ribbon goes to Jamar Robinson! Way to Go Riders!!Front to Back, Left to Right. Reghan Robinson, Rikyla Edwards, Sariah Shrouder, Jumaria Sample, Aleigha Shrouder, Dominque Baynard, Destini Darling, Briana Jones, Gabrielle Obidike,Isha Murphy, Hailee Comstock, Mia Peacock, Rihanna Wallop, Aniyah Mullen, and Iyanah Burris.Back Row L-R: Khalil Kemp, John Francis, Samir Gibbons, Brayden Dotson, Evan Fennemore ~~~ Middle Row L-R: Luke Lasocha, Julius "JT" Timmons, Typhen Bowe-Walker, Alex Doughty ~~~
Front Row L-R: Isaiah Alston, Elijah Wilson, Deionte Swiggett, Hermes RodriguezMackenzie Downs, Dilana Reed, Cecilia Delgado & Ashlynne Walls showed the spirit and got the Book Fair set up for the students to view.Special congratulations to Liooul Tilahun for finishing 10th overall out of the field of more than 300 runners. The Fifer boys cross country team finished a great season, placing 5th out of 19 teams, in the DAAD middle school cross country championships.Three of our teachers, Ms. Givens, Mrs. White and Mrs. Richardson, wearing pink for Cancer Awareness 10/2019Fifer Volleyball team celebrating our eighth grade players and the last game of the season. The Volleyball team ended the season with a 6-4 record.Coach Slaughter and Coach Oswald with two of the cheerleadersCR Mascots in the Homecoming ParadeFifer Cheerleaders walking the route and cheeringStudent Council member and teachers walking with the SPCA Pets-to-adoptKeith Wisher in the parade passing out candyMichele Waite in the parade passing out candyKevin Fitzgerald passing out CR Buttons in the paradeCR Mascots with Fifer StudentsFifer Band playing at the Pep RallyTaking a break with the CRHS Football players is Noah during our Thursday Fifer Spirit Pep Rally.Headed to conference October, 2019 (Left to right) Adrianna Lugo, Jordan Pritchett, Delainey Childs, Evan Fennemore, Tabby Collison, Emma West, Blair McFadden, and Lily GumusHeaded to conference October, 2019. Mercer Garrison, Alex Budd, Chase Maracle, Cecilia Delgado, Brooke Turner, and Kiera LanikFMS LAX players in a fall lax league to keep their skills on point!🥍Students (left to right): Liooul Tilahun, Zach Mill, David Bailey, Graham Givens & Aiden Dill
(bottom): Avery Lykens, Lauren Fansler & Ava MelloMr. Faircloth out with the PE Classes 10-2019Mr. Lavender helping with Frisbee Golf during PE Classes 10-2019The Girls Volleyball team at the beginning of a game. 10-20197th Grade Chinese immersion class FaceTime in the city of Chengdu in Sichuan Province. Students discussed tourism and prepared a set of questions for the teacher over there. They had a chance to take a peek at what authentic Chinese barbecue at night market looks like. 10-2019Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Robinson sharing a smileMrs. Brace and Mrs. Harper dressing like twins. 10-2019Mrs. Corbeil with flowers presented to her. 10-2019Mrs. Wilt and Haven trouble shooting laptops to get them all working for everyone at Fifer!Watch the players have scooter races in the FMS gym 9-13-19Science Experiments happening all over the building! 9-20-19Science Experiments happening all over the building! 9-20-19Science Experiments happening all over the building! 9-20-19Mrs. White and Mr. Mercer helping the hallways be safe in between classes.Mr. Erskine’s students are making music 🎶 with nontraditional instruments 🎺that were made at home!Mrs. Richardson helping students during science class. 9-20-19Mrs. Craig working with the students on 7th grade science 9-20-19Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Martin waiting for their science students to arrive.Mrs. Oberdick working with the 8th graders on science 9-20-19Mrs. Johnson working with the 8th graders on science 9-20-19Mrs. Harris working with the 6th grade students on Science 9-20-19Ms. Corbeil working hard at FiferSee our new teachers to Fifer and the Administrators having some fun!Our FMS Principals happy for the new school year 2019-2020!! Mrs. Corbeil, Mrs. Waite, and Mr. WisherLook at our Math teachers enjoying a baseball game -- Mr. Dixon and Mr. LelitoCR Mascots, Teachers, Administrators, Custodians and families all in working on the school to begin the year.