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FMS 2020-2021 School Year

Rise to be the Best Rider!! #fmsfam💙💛 #smile😊 #fiferocks 🤗💯🙌
Chinese Class
Mr. Tunstill sharing his skill of Kung Foo with a group of students to teach relaxation and discipline of their bodies. These are the 6th grade Chinese and Spanish Immersion students.
First day of Hybrid schedule!! Administrators outside to welcome the students to FMS. We loved 🥰 seeing all those smiling faces hidden under their masks 😷 #bringit🥊 #bringthebestyou⭐️
Two of our FMS Custodians working to keep things going for us!
Our FMS Cheerleaders ready to lead us to being the Best Rider and being the best you!
Look at who is ready for their zoom day looking alike!
SHAPE DE Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year!!!🏆#bringthebestyou🥊 WE ARE SO PROUD⭐️
Hybrid math
Mr. Begor and his hybrid math class learning together and being safe.
Mr. Ken Begor is Fifer's Teacher of the year! He teaches 6th grade math.
-Diane and Ylester
Mrs. D. Robinson and Mrs. Y. Henry, masked and ready to help you on the phone or in person at FMS!!
At the School Board meeting on 10-20-20, our administration (Mr. Wisher, Ms. Corbeil, and Mrs. Waite) were given principal recognition awards.
Mrs. Prillaman's PE Class having a good time moving around and playing a game!
"Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be." - Rita Pierson
RISE… to be the best Rider; to be the best YOU! #bringit #bringthebestyou
FMS wants to recognize her today: Dr. T. Morgan Carey! Thank you for always helping us through situations and encouragement to succeed!
Our 7th grade ELA teachers, Mrs. Charney, Mrs. Harper, and Ms. Brace, are showing their FMS Rider Pride as they teach their hybrid classrooms.
🏆🗣CONGRATULATIONS TO FMS TEACHER OF THE YEAR MS OPHELIA CRAIG💙💛⭐️🎉🤗🎈#teacheroftheyear #sciencerocks🔬🌎 #leaderofthepack 💙⭐️💙⭐️💙
You can capture what goes into the 2020/2021 Fifer Yearbook by uploading pixs, surveys and quotes through the new schoology course. The yearbook is $30. You can still get icons and personalization. If interested, go to the website below and preorder one.
🗣A Shout out to Ms. Brace who arranged for a ZOOM with the amazing author Ellen Potter! She shared many ✍️ writing tips with us! Check out her website and connect with her!📝💛#keepajournalwriteitdown✍️
Mrs. Wilt and students in the classroom learning science during our hybrid schedule.
Jazmin Hardin scored the most points in a single given day compared to all students in Delaware using Literacy MS. Jazmin earned 50 bonus points and an achievement. In addition, Jazmin's name will be posted to the Daily Top Scorer: Delaware scoreboard. She was SO PROUD of earning this and WE AT FMS ARE SUPER PROUD!!!!!💫⭐️#shebroughtit🥊💯🔥
Our administration shows us the way it is done! Michele Waite, Dawn Harmon, Keith Wisher, and Kim Corbeil (l to r)
CONGRATULATIONS FMS!!! In the midst of a pandemic, these FMS students rose to the occasion and placed in the top 3 for the TSA State Conference. Isabella Anderson won 1st place in both Biotechnology & Tech Bowl; Cambria Bogus won 1st place in Prepared Speech; Sydney Hall & Jada Cruz won 1st place in both Medical Technology & Technical Design; And for the Website Design Team Competition Fifer won 2nd & 3rd. Also CONGRAT'S to Mr. Pierce for Middle TSA Advisor of the Year!!!
Assistant Principals Waite and Wisher keeping safe while working at the school.
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day to THE BEST EVER!🏆🏆#cleanestbuildingintown💙💛#kindestcrewintown💕
FMS Teachers unite in support of equity and diversity in education to help in a scholarship fund available to CRHS’s future educators of color. Demonstrating a stand with the CREA EMAC in furthering the career of a future educator and showing support for empowering the voices of ethnic minorities in our community.
Library Girl
Coming to the library and getting a few books to read over the weekend!
Life Computer Hack
An Idea that will help students be able to have two screens open at the same time.
🏆Congratulations to the 2021 Problem 5 Division 2: "Superhero socks: A cliffhanger beginning" team for their qualification to the Odyssey of the Mind Words Finals Competition!! The team members are: Anna Thompson grade 6; Jocelyn Dunn grade 6; Ja'kia Sudler grade 6; Lily Moffett grade 6; & Emma Brady grade 5. Coached by Tess Charney. Overseen by John Wright.
🏆Congratulations to the 2021 Problem 4 Division 2: "It's a Trap!" Balsa wood team for their qualification to the Odyssey of the Mind Words Finals Competition!! The team members are: Marshall Bonner grade 7; Jonathan Bush grade 7; Aidan Flaherty- grade 7; Christian McMahan -grade 7; Rafael Gibrial -grade 7; & Blake Fennemore - Grade 6. Coached by Carrie Bush. Overseen by John Wright.
Respect Poster
Our Students and Staff come together and share the word about treating everyone with RESPECT!!
In 2020, Fred Fifer III Middle School earned the top Middle School chapter in Delaware. Team Captain and chapter Vice President, Rachel Woodzell, has taken the lead for Top Individual Fundraiser for her team and has exceeded her personal goal. Rachel isn't stopping there! Way to go, Rachel and Fifer Middle School Riders! PLEASE continue to give to this great cause! Best Buddies Friendship Walk Virtual Event May 23rd at Noon
Fred Fifer the 3rd graduated from Caesar Rodney Schools in 1953. He was active in all aspects of school activities. He then went on to Bridgewater College. He was in the U. S. Army and an active member of his church. Other activities he was a part of were the Lions Club, bank director, Delaware Valley Eye Bank, farm organizations and a church deacon. Mr. Fifer got along with everyone and exemplified integrity and impartiality.